Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Squirrel catch and the start of a heat wave – June 20th, 2012

It was 93 degrees (but a “real feel” temperature of 99) in Washington Square Park. The heat and humidity were brutal and the Hawks panted and half-spread their wings often in an attempt to cool down. When I arrived at the park I saw the huge birds carrying on at the wide lawn they’d been […]

Rosie’s happy splashy bath – April 13th, 2012

I took many photos of Rosie and Bobby hawk while in Washington Square Park today but couldn’t resist posting this one photo now. Rosie revisited a large piece of construction material at the fenced in area of the park.That section is still undergoing renovation.It was the same piece of material she jumped into two days […]